Outserve Journal

It’s our 10-year anniversary!

Written by Admin | Jul 17, 2018 10:31:47 AM


We have recently celebrated our 10-year anniversary as a company.

We would like to thank all of our clients and contacts for your support over the years.


How we began

OutserveWeb was founded in 2008 by Philip Oakley, who had identified a need among knowledge-based services for more integrated systems and wanted to help clients reap the benefits of working in the cloud. Phil says,

“On 16th July 2008, I started renting a desk at Wolverhampton University
– just me, a laptop and lots of big ideas!”

Outserve now

We are now based in Schott House at Astonfields, Stafford. OutserveWeb is a Partner with cloud accounting software company, Xero, inventory management software provider, Unleashed, and e-commerce platform, Shopify.

Managing Director, Philip Oakley, says,

“We now specialise in helping our clients to sell online, and our partnerships allow us to serve our clients even better with all the support they need.”

Our 10-year anniversary celebrations

In celebration of our 10-year anniversary, the whole team went out for a meal and some drinks at The Bod in Stafford. One of our team members also brought in a chocolate cake with candles.


OutserveWeb’s Marketing Manager, Rachel Robb, says,

“It was a fun day of celebrations and it was good to spend time together outside of work – and we should definitely have cake in the office more often!”

10 things for 10 years

In light of our 10-year anniversary we have put together a list of 10 things we want to do over the coming year in order to both support our community and maintain the well-being of our team!

  1.  Litter pick on our business park
  2.  Mud run in aid of Cancer Research UK
  3.  Volunteering at a Parkinson’s support group in Stafford
  4.  Team Lego build challenge
  5.  National Three Peaks Challenge
  6.  Collection of food items for homelessness charity, House of Bread
  7.  24-hour live stream gaming challenge for Cancer Research UK
  8.  Lunchtime walks
  9.  Cake sale in our office buildings in aid of The Samaritans
  10.  Reduction of plastic use in the office

Some of these things we have already started, such as preparations for the National Three Peaks Challenge, which Phil is undertaking twice – once on 8th September as a driver for his climbing team and then again (this time as a climber) in the spring. Go Phil!

Looking to the future

We are proud to have been serving our clients for the past ten years and are looking forward to introducing new clients and providing them with our expertise and support for many more years to come!